Welcome to the Lofty "Band Camp Handbook"
The Lofty Band Loom can be used for both Inkle and Tablet weaving. Most weavers new to band loom weaving start weaving inkle bands, as they are a little simpler to learn.
This site starts with information for assembling and weaving with the Lofty Band Loom, as well as tutorials about how to make inkle and tablet woven bands. In addition, there is a section with more information about material and supply choices, as well as information about diving a bit deeper into inkle and tablet weaving.
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Band looms are used to produce decorative bands of varying widths that are strong and firm. These bands are warp faced, meaning that you see more of the warp yarn (the yarn that is wrapped onto the band loom) and very little of the weft yarn (the yarn that you weave with).
To get started, a cotton yarn such as an 8/4 unmercerized, or a 3/2 Mercerized, is a nice weight to use for your first inkle woven project. There is a pattern included that may be used as your first inkle project.
Last updated