Weaving a Tablet Woven Band
There are a large variety of turning directions for tablet woven bands as well as a few other things to consider when you’re choosing a pattern. One of them is twist build up: turning the tablets in the same direction for a period of time will cause twist to build up behind the cards. You can neutralize it either by flipping the direction of the cards (so that they face right instead of left or vice versa) or by turning the cards in the other direction (backward instead of forward). In the included pattern, we will be using the latter method. In patterns where the border cards are always turning in one direction I find it easier to flip the cards and continue turning in the same direction.
Another thing to consider is which cards to turn. Some tablet weaving patterns can have elaborate turning directions that are pages long. On these more complex bands, it’s especially important to watch the twist build up. You may also notice the amount of twist on each group of warp ends can differ, which can lead to some warp ends being longer than others. In that case, you’ll want to set your tension by the shorter ends and use a band clip to mediate any unevenness in tension. Bowties and Diamonds is a simple band where the tablets are moved together in a twist neutral pattern.
Also keep in mind that you may see the band bow outward when you change the direction of a large number of cards. If the direction changes happen regularly over short intervals it isn’t very noticeable. In a pattern where the majority of the cards change direction and the direction changes are irregular or infrequent, you can decrease the amount of bowing by pulling the weft a little more snug on that row.
Getting started: Weaving in the end
With tablet weaving it’s normal to see a slight tapering at the beginning of the band where you’re establishing band width. There are two ways to prevent this from being a part of your finished project. One way to avoid it is to weave a header with a different yarn (without weaving the end in) to establish the width of your band, then begin your band as described below. The header is removed when the band is taken off of the loom. A second way is to begin your project as described below and then use a pin to help work the slack back up from the beginning.
We’ll start by weaving the end in, similar to how it’s done with inkle weaving. First, check that the tablets are all oriented correctly (all facing left with side AD on top and A closest to the weaver and the tablets facing the left). We’ll be working 4 turns forward as we weave in the end, which is shown step by step in the table below and the figure below showing the diagram of the turns. Until you’ve woven all four turns you will have some ends that haven’t been caught by the weft.
After weaving the first four turns all of the ends of the warp should be incorporated.
In Step 3 below you’ll set the width of your band: when the band is narrow enough that you don’t see any weft threads between the warp and wide enough that the warp ends aren’t squished, you’ve found the right width. As with inkle woven bands, you shouldn’t be able to see the weft in the majority of the band. However, in addition to seeing the weft at the edges of the band—as you can with inkle woven bands—you will also see the weft at reversal points. Reversal points happen when the cards go from turning backwards to forwards, and it creates a little window where the weft can be seen in the places where the cards switch from Z to S tablet orientation or vise versa as you can see in the table below.
Beginning: Weave 4 Forward While Weaving in the End
Step 1: Pass the shuttle through the first shed leaving a tail that’s a little more than 4 times the width of your band.
Step 2: Rotate the cards away from you (forward). Side AB should now be on top. Pass the shuttle through the shed and tuck the tail through leaving a loop on each side.
Step 3: Rotate the cards away from you (forward). Side BC should now be on top. Beat, then pull the loops flush with the edge of the band on each side. Then pass the shuttle through the shed and tuck the tail through leaving a loop on each side.
*Note: For the images seen in the tables above and below the cards are seen very close to the weaving. This was done to get the relevant parts of each step in one picture. Typically, the weaving cards are positioned at the top of the loom as seen below. The relevant letters on the tablets have also been darkened to emphasis.
Step 4: Repeat Step 3. Side CD should be on the top after you rotate
Step 2: Rotate the cards towards you to open shed CD, beat lightly, pull the weft loop flush against the edge of the band (leaving the scrap yarn loop as is), and pass the shuttle through the shed.
Then place a loop of scrap yarn in the shed so that it sticks out the same side of the band as the weft loop.
Step 3: Repeat step 2. Shed BC should be open. (shown in figure 11)
Step 4: Repeat step 2. Shed AB should be open.
Step 5: Weave the last pick (shed AD) as normal without placing a loop of scrap yarn. Do not leave a loop of weft yarn.
Step 6: Cut the weft leaving a little more than 4 times the band width. Then put the end through the topmost loop of scrap yarn as shown above. Then pull the ends of the loop to bring the weft through the shed.
Step 7: Repeat step 6 until all of the scrap yarn loops are gone.
Step 8: Trim the weft end.
Your band is finished! Remove it from the loom by either cutting above the last weft pick or by untying the knots from the beginning.
Use 4 loops of a scrap yarn that’s at least half the size of your weft yarn
Thicker scrap yarn will make it easier to pull the loops, but it also makes the end less secure.
Beat loosely while weaving in the end to make it easier to pull the loops of scrap yarn through the band.
If your weft yarn is slippery, use more picks to secure the end.
When weaving in the end, use the same pattern that is used in the rest of the band. For example, if you end your repeat of bowties and diamonds with weaving 4 back, weave in the end while weaving 4 forward followed by 4 back if more picks are necessary.
Last updated