Shuttles Considerations for Inkle Weaving
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The Lofty Band Loom comes with a 3-D printed with a handle. A shuttle is used both hold yarn that is used while weaving (weft) and to press the yarn firmly into the band.
Below are some other shuttles options.
There are two important factors when picking a shuttle: the sharpness of the edge and the feel of the shuttle in your hand. With a sharper edge, you can get crisper, more defined designs on your band. Although you may see it online as a “hack”, I would caution against using a butter knife to beat in combination with a shuttle that has a dull edge (even if you like the way the shuttle fits in your hand), because you don’t want to introduce any unnecessary abrasion into your weaving.
In general, I prefer to weave with a belt shuttle that has a handle, because it’s easier for me to beat with. However, the ideal shuttle for band weaving is at least an inch longer than the width of your project, tapers to a sharp edge on one long edge, and has a groove for yarn to build up in when the shuttle is wound. That being said, be wary of shuttles that are too narrow as they’re harder to get a good grip on. Belt shuttles are generally recommended.
If you’re doing pick up work, I find that using a gehpa or a netting shuttle gives more control over picking up threads. The trade off is that the edges aren’t usually tapered to an edge, so the designs won’t be quite as crisp.